Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas without baby

Well....we had our last Christmas without kids.

It definitely hasn't been the greatest Christmas but I'm thankful for things like family. Friday, before Christmas (which was on Wednesday) I couldn't get my blood pressure was up in the crazy numbers again (151/101 etc). Ended up at the hospital but all my labs came back fine. They upped my blood pressure medicine and sent me on my merry way.

By Monday, I'd developed this crazy cold (which I still have now) but my blood pressure was still giving me crazy readings..I was put on bed rest and told it may take a few days for the new dosage of medicine to regulate.

I did still visit family for Christmas even though I was supposed to be on bed rest. I figured there couldn't be much difference in being on my couch or my aunts. I hadn't seen mom in months because all her spare time has been spent in Atlanta with Camryn (He's still not fully emerged from his coma but has been discharged and is home now until he does emerge so we're still praying that soon he'll come out of it.). So I really enjoyed getting to see Mom and see her excited about the baby now that I'm actually looking pregnant. She wanted to feel it kick so bad but had no luck.

We also spent Christmas morning at Justin's parents to watch his nephew open his was so fun with this being his 2nd Christmas (and birthday) he was really into it. I've never seen a kid so excited about getting socks..haha. He also loved his big toys, a ride-on Thomas the train & ride-on John Deere tractor. It was too cold for him to really get to enjoy the tractor but he loved it and it was so cute. It's so fun to think that next year we'll be doing Christmas morning with our LO who will be coming up on a year old by then.

We didn't decorate at all for Christmas this year since I've been feeling so bad and I don't regret it since I'm on bed rest but I'm so excited for next year. I told Justin there was no skipping or skimping on it next year!! I want a real tree & all.

I went back to the doctor yesterday for scheduled appointments and my blood pressure was still crazy so they upped my dosage again. I'm now taking twice the amount I was on during the 1st and 2nd trimesters...but today it is finally looking tons better!! They said my amniotic fluid level is at 30cm now so that's up 3cm since December 11th. I am also measuring full term at 32 wks due to the extra fluid. I've been very uncomfortable in the last week and I'm starting to think at this rate of fluid building, that I won't make it to induction at 39 wks. I am at 39% chance of going into preterm labor just due to baby's defect causing the extra fluid. That's not considering my obesity status or blood pressure problems.

I'm taking it one week at a time as a success. Mom made it to 34 wks with me so as long as I go 2 more weeks, I will be happy with anything past that! If I could pull through at 34 wks, I have faith my baby could too. They were able to do surgery on me the next day.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas with lots of love and family. Gifts are nice, but it isn't everything.  I'm just so happy this year that I have supportive family and that despite everything, this baby is still cooking away in my belly and even the issues present are fixable.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

We have a plan..

Justin and I spent yesterday in Atlanta visiting doctor after doctor...I am extremely worn out today but we have a plan. Of course, all it is, is a plan because baby's going to do what baby wants...but I feel a little better knowing we have a goal.

We met with a doctor at Maternal Fetal and also a regular OB. When it's time to have the baby I have no idea who will be delivering me since it is such a large practice but I guess I am okay with that since nothing else about my pregnancy has been what I wanted either...I won't really know any of the doctors there like I know my own so...I'm okay with that. The tentative plan is to come in on February 3rd and have the delivering practice doctor take a look and see if my cervix has thinned/dilated at all and go from there to make a plan on HOW the induction will take place. Of course, we do not want me to go into labor on my own so far from the hospital but if I do...I will need to head into my hospital, let them stabilize me and send me up there. They're planning to induce in my 39th week. The doctor I met with yesterday stated that with this being my first pregnancy it will probably be a long induction and they will most likely use a combination of Cervadil and Pitocin but they want me to come in at 38 weeks just to check things out and see where I am on my own before they bring me in for the actual induction the following week.

Justin and I also met with a surgeon for the baby. Dr. G may or may not be the actual surgeon to do the surgery on the baby but it will be one of the doctors in the practice. I don't really feel like I learned a lot of NEW information from her but it was still reassuring to meet with her. I know more about this problem than the average mother (or anyone who's never heard of duodenal atresia) so there wasn't a lot of new information for her to tell me. We did discuss the question about whether the surgery would be through a normal cut or with lasers. She said that even now with the option, for this kind of surgery they like to do a standard cut just because they can see better what they're doing and it is less likely to miss something (like a second blockage) when they go in. She told us that standard time in the NICU for this will be about 30 days (which I had been telling Justin to expect all along) but of course, this all depends on how well baby does with recovery/feeding. It could be less or more.

She sent us over to the hospital and we met the charge nurse that was working the NICU last night. She was very nice and said she also does the transfers so she will most likely be with the baby when they transfer it over from the other hospital (even though it's just right across the street). They have a very large unit...I think she said 35 beds total. She took us on a tour and talked to us about visiting times and all that. Seeing all the tiny babies in the unit made me realize that we'd seriously be right there in just a few short weeks. I can't wait for the baby to be here and while I don't love that my baby has to go through the surgery and everything else that I did, I know that in the end, everything will be just fine and the baby won't remember it at all. Through all of the issues with this pregnancy and the cancer too, I feel blessed to be able to have the things that I do supportive husband, our supportive families and of course this little baby who will be perfect in every way and I can't wait to meet this person who has changed my life already.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Give's almost Thanksgiving

With just a few days until the holiday is upon us, I wanted to make an inspirational post to share some of the things I am thankful for this year. Some people may think...with everything going on, how can you be thankful? I can, and I am. I know that no matter how hard things feel, it could be worse. I may be going through some tough times physically and emotionally but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and this too shall pass.

I am very thankful for my husband who is strong when I need him (and I've needed him a lot lately.)

I am thankful for the love and support from family. It's times like this that I love being part of a large extended family because they're always checking in on me and praying for me and Baby.

I am thankful that Camryn is making progress no matter how slow it may seem. He's almost in a semiconscious state according to the doctors and even got to go on a trip outside yesterday! They said he had his eyes wide open taking in his surroundings. That was the first time he's been outside since his accident.

I am thankful that all the tests have come back about Baby and we know we are dealing with just an isolated duodenal atresia. No other abnormalities, no down syndrome or any of the other things they tested for. I would have loved my child either way but from a treatment standpoint, it makes things more simple and easy to treat.

I'm thankful for the knowledge of my doctors who were able to diagnose my cancer and know what the best plan of action to get me back to myself is. I'm thankful that the type of cancer I have isn't aggressive and that it's one of the more curable types.

I am thankful for this little life I feel kicking around inside me. My life has already changed so much because of it. I can't wait to meet the baby and find out if there is a little girl or boy in there (either way it's already just like me in some ways & like it's Daddy in others).

So, as you see...I really have plenty to be thankful for. I didn't even mention the basics of living (home, food, electricity) and still there is so much that I can find good in all the negativity. So, no matter what you have going on, just seek out the positives in your situation and don't dwell on the negatives. Doing so will only get you down.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the good food, have some good laughs & make some good memories. I definitely plan to!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's official...

Yesterday, Justin and I had a 12 hour trip total to Atlanta.

We had an MRI scheduled for 5:30 pm at Scottish Rite Children's Hospital (Check-in at 4:30) so they could look to confirm that Baby does have Duodenal Atresia...and also check for any other abnormalities.

Our trip started around 11 am. We left the house, headed over to my Mom's house to pick up some things to take to my step-dad. They came home this weekend to rest, regroup and start again. My Mom went back to work since she carries the insurance and will need some time off for me and Baby and Toby went back to Atlanta to stay on Sunday morning. He left all his clothes that Mom had washed (silly men! They don't think they need clean clothes.) so Justin and I stopped in to grab them so we could bring them to him. We had lunch at the Pizza Place in my hometown and headed on up to Atlanta. We arrived at the Shepherd Center to see Camryn around 3 so it was a pretty long trip up. We visited with them for about an hour. I am very glad I got to go see him. He's making progress, slow but steady and they have a ranking scale they use that says he's one point away from being in a semi-conscious state. (yay, Cam!) Each day he's able to do more than the previous day at therapy and it is so great to see and hear about the progress he's making. So, after our brief visit with him, we headed on over to the Children's hospital to get checked in and all. At around 5:30 they took me back to get me in the ugly hospital gown and talk to me about the procedure.

Let me just say, I hope I never, ever, ever have to have another MRI as long as I live. It was fine at first but about 10 minutes in, I literally had a panic attack. If they had not let Justin sit with me, I'm not sure what I would have done because my arms were all crossed over my chest and I was in a sheet like a burrito and I freaked OUT!!!!! I felt like I couldn't breathe. The baby was kicking. So, the tech stopped and I was able to put my hands up above my head and that felt so much better. I felt like I didn't have a huge brick on my chest anymore. Justin held my hands the rest of the procedure which was way better than the first half. I was so uncomfortable and my back was hurting very bad from the pressure of the baby and laying on the hard little gurney thing, (My back is still killing me today!) but I didn't feel so constricted and I could breath. Justin has no idea how much he helped me make it through those last few minutes in that machine.

When I sat up, I was so dizzy. It took several minutes for me to feel normal. I assume, because they had me flat on my back for so long. They took me back to the room to get my clothes on and sent me on my way. The tech did say when she first started the machine, she got a picture of Baby with it's hands up over it's ears like it was trying to block out the sound. She said it made her feel bad. So we got out of the hospital around 7 and headed back home. We stopped for dinner and ended up pulling in the driveway around 11 pm. Whew! What a day!

Today, I talked to the geneticist at my MFM office and she said they already had the results and it does confirm what Dr. H suspected, that it is in fact, Duodenal Atresia...but on the bright side...they don't see any other abnormalities. We have an appointment on December 11th with a pediatric surgeon in Atlanta for a consultation and will probably be meeting with someone at the Maternal Fetal Specialists office too if they can arrange to meet us the same day, we're just waiting to hear from them. The definite plan is to deliver at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, we just need to meet with a team to determine the logistics.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Crazy whirlwind life!'s mid-November already. Pregnancy has really flown by. Next week, I will be in my 3rd trimester. I have been so busy with all my doctor's appointments and all the crazy going on in my life. I have written posts several times wanting to update on everything....but before I can post, my phone acts up and deletes everything I've typed.

So, here we try again. I haven't worked since August. The more time that passes, the more complicated my pregnancy gets. It seems like my family just can't catch a break! First, we got my cancer diagnosis. Then, I started having the issues with my blood nu pressure and had to go on medication to control it. Meanwhile, pregnancy is chugging along and I get so worn out easily from the combination of pregnancy and cancer. Some days I just have no energy whatsoever.

Then, while everything seems to finally be getting routine..the extra appointments, the weakness and lack of energy hasn't been quite as overpowering as before..our family got news that my stepbrother, Camryn had been in a car accident and the prognosis wasn't looking too good. Well, we're now 21 days post accident and Cam still hasn't emerged from his coma but things are starting to happen and hopefully he will wake up soon. He's in a rehabilitation center that specializes in brain injury and they have been working with him daily. Yesterday, he even opened his eyes a little & tried to give a thumbs up at the request of the physical therapist! That is so huge! I am worrying & praying for his recovery daily.

We went for my monthly growth scan on Monday, Veteran's Day. During all our other ultrasounds, baby has looked great...even if a little uncooperative. This time, however they noticed that I have now developed polyhydramnios...or have too much amniotic fluid. The doctor came in and looked again and is concerned that the baby has an intestinal defect called duodenal atresia or DA.

While, most people wouldn't even know what this condition is...I knew right away. See, I was born 27 years ago with DA. DA is commonly found in babies with down syndrome (DS) and our doctor offered us the chance to do the amniocentesis to determine if the baby would have DS. We declined. We did however opt for another screening test to look at the risk. We had done earlier screening that came back low risk but that test was only with 88% accuracy. The new one is 99% accuracy. We're waiting on those results. The doctor did say that the baby shows no other typical signs seen in babies with DS. So, it may be stupid of me it I'm not so worried about that. If the baby does arrive and have DS, that's a bridge we'll cross when we get there.

I am really going to try to update my blog with info as much as I can now because there aren't a lot of reading materials of parents going through this. Right now, I am scheduled for a fetal MRI on Tuesday at Scottish Rite in Atlanta to confirm the diagnosis and also look for any other abnormalities. Then, I will see both my regular OB & MFM on the 27th. I am now going to the MFM every two weeks to monitor the amniotic fluid levels because it can cause preterm labor and since baby will need to be born in Atlanta where they are equipped to handle the DA surgery, we don't want labor to start unexpectedly. We are probably 3 hours from the hospital in Atlanta where I would need to deliver. We will be getting a whole team of doctors to meet with in Atlanta including a pediatric surgeon who will do the surgery on the baby. So, there will be lots to update on. Stay tuned for the updates, I will try to keep them shorter from here on out.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Return to the stage...overcoming it all

I spent this afternoon watching Lady Gaga's return to the stage at the iTunes music festival in London.

Can I just say I thoroughly enjoyed myself. She played all new music which was great because she has been out of the public eye for so long after her broken hip ended her tour.

Justin hates that I love her but she's great. She's a great songwriter and performer. I really relate to her. Not to mention...her so-called weirdness is what helped me out of the depression I was in after my dad was killed in 08.

Her crazy looks and catchy lyrics paired with the intelligence that comes out when she interviews intrigued the hell out of me. I spent months researching her past interviews and songs before she was Lady Gaga and basically it occupied my mind long enough for me to stop dwelling on myself.

Now, going through this pregnancy with this cancer living in my body I am so thrilled that she is back because it gives me something new to experience over these months until I can get treatment. I need her. I need my family too but it's different. I just need this fun, beautiful person who I relate to and understand. I need to see her doing what she loves. It makes me believe that I can do this. I can get through this. Look at what she's been through and look at her accomplishments. People and things try to bring her down but she's not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to beat this cancer. My baby is going to have a mother who knows how to persevere. 

When my child asks me about the tattoo on my foot, I'm going to tell them. I'm going to tell them I got it to remind me who brought me out of my depression. Little did I know when I got it she would be my strength for so much more.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

It's football season!!!

Not that I really pay attention...but Justin does. I just thought it was an interesting title.

I'm glad it's football season but it has NOTHING to do with football. I'm happy that cooler temperatures are around the corner. I'm glad the holidays and yummy food will be here before we know it. Our anniversary is coming up. I'm glad my pregnancy is progressing and we've made it to the second trimester. (15 wks)

I've met with my oncologist and surgeon. I have to go to Atlanta to Emory for an ultrasound on my lymph nodes on the 10th. Pending the results we'll probably delay surgery until after baby is here. 

My oncologist wanted me to go out on medical leave to reduce the stress level with my blood pressure and all. Getting baby here healthy and hopefully full term is our goal. I'm going a little crazy stuck at home since family doesn't want me driving. I do go to the store and my MIL's down the road though which helps.

Next week I see my OB on Friday. I'm concerned now that my appetite still has not picked up so we'll see what he says...


(Note: picture was last week when we went to the surgeon's office at 14 weeks....I still just look fat not pregnant.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Crazy life!

So much has been going on! I've been battling one thing after another. 

Justin has been in Oregon since July 31st fighting wildfire. He flys home on Friday. He's gone off like this before but this time has seriously felt like he's been gone a lifetime!!!

I think it has felt like such a long time because I have not been doing so well. When he left I was taking antibiotics for a UTI. I'd had such a relatively easy pregnancy up to that point. Those antibiotics made me so sick. I was throwing up day and night! It was so awful! 

I also had experienced dizzy spells where I couldn't even hardly stand for about two weeks. Through this time I tried to work but there were days I didn't feel safe in driving. I had called my OB and my nurse told me it was normal during pregnancy to be dizzy and not a big deal. I'm not sure that she understood that I knew something was wrong. A few days later while having another of my dizzy spells...I went ahead and went to my regular doctor's office just to let them check me over.  Turns out my blood pressure was high. Very high, at 170/ of course my OB was contacted and I have been put on medication to regulate it. 

I went yesterday to a maternal fetal medicine specialist and got to see my baby for the second time. My mother in law, Ann was there as well. I sent Justin pictures but its just not the same. He didn't get to see how much baby was moving around in there. Or hear the precious heartbeat. 

This specialist says that I need to have ultrasounds to monitor baby's growth every month because I am at higher risk to lose the baby late in pregnancy if my body can't keep up. This scares me but I'm trying to focus on the positive and that is that there is this healthy baby in there now who needs me to be strong and get through this for them. I cannot let the bad worries and fears take away the good things that I have.

I'm currently doing a 24 hour urine for the specialist to try to rule put protein in my urine and in turn preeclampsia. I am very early in my pregnancy at only 12 weeks to have that and so my fingers are crossed that it will come back just fine.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

It's official!

Facebook official that is!  

No explanation needed...I finally came out.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thinking and worrying...

I know the worrying isn't good. I just have so much on my mind.

I'm going to have to be out of so much work when I have the baby then turn around and have the thyroid removed and radioactive iodine treatment's about 6 weeks between each thing. We'll have a newborn baby and I will be at my worst ever..not able to properly care for him/her. 

I was really hoping to breast feed for at least a year but that isn't an option now. I am going to ask my doctors if they will allow me to do so at the very least until I have surgery..I'd like it if they'd let me pump until its time for radiation and store as much as my body will make before that.

I don't know how well that will work out though. It's very disappointing. 

With me being out of work for that period of at least 3 months, I am worried about money. We're a two person income and we need every bit of both. We'll have all these doctor bills to pay for my treatment. A new baby to feed and clothe and diaper. Someone will have to be here besides me to help care for the baby after I have surgery and all. Thankfully, Justin has lots of time he can take from work and still get paid. That's one good thing about working for the State. Plus Justin's mom doesn't work and my mom plans to do whatever she has to. I have a big support system but its just going to be so hard.

I went ahead and told my supervisors at work so they know what I'm dealing with. I also told my partner at work who I've been friends with since kindergarten. She knew I went for the tests and was very concerned. She and I work hand in hand and depend on each other. They've been so understanding. They said not to worry about my job. They'll also be moving me to day shift soon whenever they can hire a replacement and get them up to speed on my responsibility at night. I'm wondering what responsibility I'll have if they're giving what I'm currently doing to someone else...I'm such an over-achiever and I don't want to go back to not having any responsibility.

Sorry, I feel like I'm rambling but that's how my mind is right now.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Bad News

This is so hard for me to type. I'm so scared even though the prognosis is good. I went Monday for a biopsy on my thyroid. We discovered a nodule the week before I found out I was pregnant as I've mentioned before.

The results came back and it is malignant. Papillary carcinoma to be exact. I'm so freaked out right now. I have myself and this baby to think about. The doctor said its not aggressive so we could potentially wait until after delivery in February. It just depends on if it changes during our monitoring it. The best time to operate during pregnancy is 2nd tri. Then after baby is born I have to have radioactive iodine treatment  as well so there goes my breast feeding. She said treatment won't be easy and with a newborn even harder. I'm just so scared right now. I'm so young and its a lot to take in all at once. Yesterday I was pretty strong but today I'm a crying mess. Yesterday I had my family and it was easier to be I feel broken.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!!

Happy 4th of July!!!

Yesterday was my 27th birthday whooh-hooh I'm getting OLD! I feel that way, anyway.

I hate that I haven't written on schedule this week but one thing after another has happened and I've been exhausted.

I haven't felt good most of the week. My nodule has started to cause me pain. I went to the ER because I couldn't swallow and wasn't able to force myself to eat/drink on Tuesday. BAD IDEA. Mom and I spent 9 hours there...and all they did was test my thyroid levels (which are still perfectly fine, thankfully) and give me a bag of fluids.  But I did get my biopsy moved up from August 1st to Monday morning. So, maybe we'll get some answers...and good ones!

I go see my OB tomorrow. Keep in mind this will be my first appointment for my pregnancy and also the first time I've met this doctor so I'm a little nervous. I have no idea what to expect. I know they'll want to take a bunch of medical history information and stuff...but will we get to hear baby's heartbeat? I hope so..I think I will be disappointed if we don't. It really just doesn't feel real to me yet so I want the confirmation. I have seen the tests so I know I am but I just don't exactly FEEL pregnant. I won't feel baby move for a long time, but hearing the heartbeat...that can be done now. I will be 6 wks 5 days tomorrow based on my ovulation date.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Early birthday present..among other things!

Whoot...Justin and I are the proud new owners of a treadmill!!

I'm calling it my early birthday present since my birthday is next week. Now, normally this would be a bad no-no for your husband to go out and buy you a treadmill for your birthday (its a nice one too) but he did it for me and baby. Plus he's using it too. 

With this pregnancy I need to be more in shape because I don't want it being any harder on me than I have to exercise and eat right. With it being almost July in SW GA that was not going to happen if it meant me getting outside in that heat. And there isn't a gym around our small town. So this was the best option for us. I did only 10 minutes yesterday I was so tired after getting up to travel to Macon to see the endocrinologist but this morning I did 30!

Speaking of endocrinologist...they set me up for a biopsy on August 1st on my thyroid. Otherwise she said to just keep a check in my levels throughout but they were fine right now. So not to worry about it until we know what we are or aren't dealing with.

And other big news...I switched OBGYN's. He was recommended to I said what the heck. Let's do it! I made the plunge and switched to see Dr. Stewart in Columbus. My first appointment is next Friday, the 5th. I'll be 6 wks and a few days so we'll see what happens.. I hope I get to hear baby's heartbeat!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

5 weeks today!

Today marks being 5 weeks pregnant. It's starting to sink in. Right now I'm thankful that so far I haven't had very many symptoms. Mostly I have just been tired! And sore boobs...can't forget those! I even had to go up a whole bra size already!

So I talked about my thyroid nodule previously and I've contacted my OB to let her know what is going on. We're still waiting on my referral to come through to see the endocrinologist to see what the next step for that is.

I've been thinking a lot lately and I'm considering switching doctors. I'm so confused to be honest. I'm such a worrier and I know that potentially, I could have a completely healthy pregnancy and baby. There is also the chance that something could go wrong too and that scares me.

I like my doctor but at the same time, the hospital here isn't equipped for any major issues. If baby has to go to the NICU unit for any reason, they will transfer them to a hospital that I don't care for. That's a big deal to me.

Knowing that there is something up with my thyroid and that thyroid problems potentially can cause preterm addition I'm overweight and at risk for gestational diabetes and hypertension... it's a big risk. All of those things can make baby come early even if I am as healthy as possible for the duration.

We also have to look out for signs if an intestinal blockage for baby because my Dad and I both had one. So it seems a bit hereditary. I was actually rushed at birth to a Children's Hospital in Atlanta to have surgery. 

For me it just seems like too much to risk not to go ahead and prepare for these issues just in case. My first prenatal visit is scheduled for July 17 and I may go ahead and see my doctor and just ask what she thinks about these things. We shall see.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

HCG levels..

Well, I called my family doctor on Monday  who is getting my referral to an endocrinologist for my thyroid to let them know I had gotten a positive on a home pregnancy test. They had me come in and do a urine test as well as a blood draw and the results from the blood test are back and my level of HCG is 205.'s for sure. I'm definitely pregnant! They said I could come in next week if I wanted to see how my levels were progressing. I will be almost 9 weeks before my OB can see me.

I'm getting excited but I don't think it'll be real for me until I get to see that ultrasound and hear baby's heartbeat for the first time.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Beginning the trip!

Well, Father's Day weekend we found out the news that we were pregnant! What a treat!

I wasn't expecting to be pregnant at all so it was definitely a pleasant/scary surprise. 

I recently went to my family doctor to request some thyroid testing to be done and was told I had an enlarged thyroid. She sent me for an ultrasound and it's been confirmed that I have a large nodule. Well I talked to them on Friday they are still trying to set up an appointment with the endocrinologist for further testing. I also asked for a refill on my anxiety meds which after hanging up I realized were not safe throughout pregnancy. 

Justin and I had been trying to get pregnant for the past 7 months but had talked and decided we'd put it on hold until we had more information on my thyroid. However we were already in the two-week wait period so holding off would start the next cycle. I decided that I should just take a test before I went to fill the prescription just to be on the safe side. I only had one and had been waiting to use it until I missed a period or felt pregnant. I said what the heck, if we're going to be putting off trying then there's no harm in using it just to be sure before I take something that I don't need to and then find out I'm pregnant. I seriously thought it would be negative but holy shit! It was positive! It was only 12 days past ovulation so super early!

So Justin was at work..I called him to tell him what had happened. He's thrilled but still doesn't believe it. He made me take two more tests..all positive by the way. He says he won't believe it until I hear it from the doctor. 

I have made an appointment with my OB. July 17th seems so far away! Tomorrow, I will be calling my family doctor to let them know. I'm not sure what the pregnancy may mean for my thyroid so I definitely want to call and ask about that to make sure they know. They may want to confirm it or something. Hopefully I won't have to wait very long to get in to see the endocrinologist and everything is okay!

I'm so excited but wary at the same time! It's definitely conflicting emotions finding out about all this practically at once.