Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!!

Happy 4th of July!!!

Yesterday was my 27th birthday whooh-hooh I'm getting OLD! I feel that way, anyway.

I hate that I haven't written on schedule this week but one thing after another has happened and I've been exhausted.

I haven't felt good most of the week. My nodule has started to cause me pain. I went to the ER because I couldn't swallow and wasn't able to force myself to eat/drink on Tuesday. BAD IDEA. Mom and I spent 9 hours there...and all they did was test my thyroid levels (which are still perfectly fine, thankfully) and give me a bag of fluids.  But I did get my biopsy moved up from August 1st to Monday morning. So, maybe we'll get some answers...and good ones!

I go see my OB tomorrow. Keep in mind this will be my first appointment for my pregnancy and also the first time I've met this doctor so I'm a little nervous. I have no idea what to expect. I know they'll want to take a bunch of medical history information and stuff...but will we get to hear baby's heartbeat? I hope so..I think I will be disappointed if we don't. It really just doesn't feel real to me yet so I want the confirmation. I have seen the tests so I know I am but I just don't exactly FEEL pregnant. I won't feel baby move for a long time, but hearing the heartbeat...that can be done now. I will be 6 wks 5 days tomorrow based on my ovulation date.

Wish me luck!

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