34 weeks.
It has been my goal to make it that far since they told me the baby was like me and had the blockage. Mom made it to 34 weeks with me and I did fine. So, here we are. Hello 34 weeks (yesterday).
I went in for my 34 week growth scan and I was admitted to the hospital. My amniotic fluid level jumped up from 26.7 to a 43.6 (in 9 days), they think I have pre-eclampsia and baby's growth is restricted, so he/she (I still think it's a she...so I apologize in advance if I'm wrong) is small.
I'm currently on strict hospital bed rest...I can't even get up to pee because of the risk of cord prolapse if my water were to break...so yay, I get to pee in a bed pan. They're doing a 24 hour urine catch to measure the amount of protein & determine if I do really have pre-eclampsia...and in about an hour and a half, they're supposed to be coming in to do an amnioreduction to get some of that fluid off.
I'll most likely be in the hospital now until delivery, which will probably be soon due to the growth restriction (and if I do have pre-eclampsia too). So, wish us luck!
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