With just a few days until the holiday is upon us, I wanted to make an inspirational post to share some of the things I am thankful for this year. Some people may think...with everything going on, how can you be thankful? I can, and I am. I know that no matter how hard things feel, it could be worse. I may be going through some tough times physically and emotionally but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and this too shall pass.
I am very thankful for my husband who is strong when I need him (and I've needed him a lot lately.)
I am thankful for the love and support from family. It's times like this that I love being part of a large extended family because they're always checking in on me and praying for me and Baby.
I am thankful that Camryn is making progress no matter how slow it may seem. He's almost in a semiconscious state according to the doctors and even got to go on a trip outside yesterday! They said he had his eyes wide open taking in his surroundings. That was the first time he's been outside since his accident.
I am thankful that all the tests have come back about Baby and we know we are dealing with just an isolated duodenal atresia. No other abnormalities, no down syndrome or any of the other things they tested for. I would have loved my child either way but from a treatment standpoint, it makes things more simple and easy to treat.
I'm thankful for the knowledge of my doctors who were able to diagnose my cancer and know what the best plan of action to get me back to myself is. I'm thankful that the type of cancer I have isn't aggressive and that it's one of the more curable types.
I am thankful for this little life I feel kicking around inside me. My life has already changed so much because of it. I can't wait to meet the baby and find out if there is a little girl or boy in there (either way it's already just like me in some ways & like it's Daddy in others).
So, as you see...I really have plenty to be thankful for. I didn't even mention the basics of living (home, food, electricity) and still there is so much that I can find good in all the negativity. So, no matter what you have going on, just seek out the positives in your situation and don't dwell on the negatives. Doing so will only get you down.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the good food, have some good laughs & make some good memories. I definitely plan to!