Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Early birthday present..among other things!

Whoot...Justin and I are the proud new owners of a treadmill!!

I'm calling it my early birthday present since my birthday is next week. Now, normally this would be a bad no-no for your husband to go out and buy you a treadmill for your birthday (its a nice one too) but he did it for me and baby. Plus he's using it too. 

With this pregnancy I need to be more in shape because I don't want it being any harder on me than I have to exercise and eat right. With it being almost July in SW GA that was not going to happen if it meant me getting outside in that heat. And there isn't a gym around our small town. So this was the best option for us. I did only 10 minutes yesterday I was so tired after getting up to travel to Macon to see the endocrinologist but this morning I did 30!

Speaking of endocrinologist...they set me up for a biopsy on August 1st on my thyroid. Otherwise she said to just keep a check in my levels throughout but they were fine right now. So not to worry about it until we know what we are or aren't dealing with.

And other big news...I switched OBGYN's. He was recommended to I said what the heck. Let's do it! I made the plunge and switched to see Dr. Stewart in Columbus. My first appointment is next Friday, the 5th. I'll be 6 wks and a few days so we'll see what happens.. I hope I get to hear baby's heartbeat!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

5 weeks today!

Today marks being 5 weeks pregnant. It's starting to sink in. Right now I'm thankful that so far I haven't had very many symptoms. Mostly I have just been tired! And sore boobs...can't forget those! I even had to go up a whole bra size already!

So I talked about my thyroid nodule previously and I've contacted my OB to let her know what is going on. We're still waiting on my referral to come through to see the endocrinologist to see what the next step for that is.

I've been thinking a lot lately and I'm considering switching doctors. I'm so confused to be honest. I'm such a worrier and I know that potentially, I could have a completely healthy pregnancy and baby. There is also the chance that something could go wrong too and that scares me.

I like my doctor but at the same time, the hospital here isn't equipped for any major issues. If baby has to go to the NICU unit for any reason, they will transfer them to a hospital that I don't care for. That's a big deal to me.

Knowing that there is something up with my thyroid and that thyroid problems potentially can cause preterm addition I'm overweight and at risk for gestational diabetes and hypertension... it's a big risk. All of those things can make baby come early even if I am as healthy as possible for the duration.

We also have to look out for signs if an intestinal blockage for baby because my Dad and I both had one. So it seems a bit hereditary. I was actually rushed at birth to a Children's Hospital in Atlanta to have surgery. 

For me it just seems like too much to risk not to go ahead and prepare for these issues just in case. My first prenatal visit is scheduled for July 17 and I may go ahead and see my doctor and just ask what she thinks about these things. We shall see.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

HCG levels..

Well, I called my family doctor on Monday  who is getting my referral to an endocrinologist for my thyroid to let them know I had gotten a positive on a home pregnancy test. They had me come in and do a urine test as well as a blood draw and the results from the blood test are back and my level of HCG is 205.'s for sure. I'm definitely pregnant! They said I could come in next week if I wanted to see how my levels were progressing. I will be almost 9 weeks before my OB can see me.

I'm getting excited but I don't think it'll be real for me until I get to see that ultrasound and hear baby's heartbeat for the first time.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Beginning the trip!

Well, Father's Day weekend we found out the news that we were pregnant! What a treat!

I wasn't expecting to be pregnant at all so it was definitely a pleasant/scary surprise. 

I recently went to my family doctor to request some thyroid testing to be done and was told I had an enlarged thyroid. She sent me for an ultrasound and it's been confirmed that I have a large nodule. Well I talked to them on Friday they are still trying to set up an appointment with the endocrinologist for further testing. I also asked for a refill on my anxiety meds which after hanging up I realized were not safe throughout pregnancy. 

Justin and I had been trying to get pregnant for the past 7 months but had talked and decided we'd put it on hold until we had more information on my thyroid. However we were already in the two-week wait period so holding off would start the next cycle. I decided that I should just take a test before I went to fill the prescription just to be on the safe side. I only had one and had been waiting to use it until I missed a period or felt pregnant. I said what the heck, if we're going to be putting off trying then there's no harm in using it just to be sure before I take something that I don't need to and then find out I'm pregnant. I seriously thought it would be negative but holy shit! It was positive! It was only 12 days past ovulation so super early!

So Justin was at work..I called him to tell him what had happened. He's thrilled but still doesn't believe it. He made me take two more tests..all positive by the way. He says he won't believe it until I hear it from the doctor. 

I have made an appointment with my OB. July 17th seems so far away! Tomorrow, I will be calling my family doctor to let them know. I'm not sure what the pregnancy may mean for my thyroid so I definitely want to call and ask about that to make sure they know. They may want to confirm it or something. Hopefully I won't have to wait very long to get in to see the endocrinologist and everything is okay!

I'm so excited but wary at the same time! It's definitely conflicting emotions finding out about all this practically at once.